Spring has Finally Sprung!
Warmer weather is here at last. But with my flowers:
Come the weeds. Good thing our friend, baby rabbit, comes by from time to time to help out by eating the dandelions. Unfortunately, he can’t eat them all fast enough. It’s incredible; our yard has been overrun by weeds in a week!
And I got some knitting done. Voilà, the sleeves!
we had the same problem with the dandilions and we also have a few little buddies helping us out with the sitch, but there was a freakish amount. And I also thought Star Trek Rocked!
Love your bleeding heart. The colors really shine in your pic! Wish I had a resident bunny for my dandelions.
You know what I'm gonna say right? - Awwwwwww lookit the cute bunny.... :D
Can we trade bunnies? The 3 or 4 that are running around our yard are doing nothing about the dandelions and are instead feasting on my Easter lilies and the poor bean plant my 5 year old brought home from preschool that we transplanted in the garden. Oh, and they may also be nibbling on the chives.
Try planting some marigolds; rabbits supposedly hate the smell.
Love the bunny! we have a bunny in the family, Little Smudge.
can't wait to see the sweater finished.
That'd be great, except that I have a really strong reaction to those. Allergies on steriods. Any other tips?
Ouch! I never knew of anyone allerfic to marigolds. I don't know if you have the ability to put a wire fence around your veggie patch; I don't think many people do.
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